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Building Tomorrow’s Schools is dedicated to assisting public school officials serve the growing needs of our Florida communities by helping to plan and develop high-quality school facilities within the range of available resources. Therefore, BTS, Inc. is pleased to be able to offer a limited number of BTS Grants to qualified school districts.

The purpose of the BTS Grant is to enable school districts to obtain a customized Needs and Resources Analysis detailing current and future needs; and the alternatives for meeting those needs, particularly in situations where existing resources are insufficient.

The Analysis is prepared by a volunteer task force consisting of subject matter experts in a wide range of public school planning and construction disciplines. The specific content of each study will depend on the specific needs of the grant recipient. The task force will represent the disciplines most applicable to the grantee:

  • Demographic data analysis
  • Site location for school plants
  • Site development for school plants
  • Site acquisition for school plants
  • Civil engineering for school plants
  • Architecture for school facilities
  • School facility planning
  • Construction of school facilities
  • Public financing for school projects
  • Financial feasibility analysis
  • Guaranteed Pricing
  • Lease vs. Buy
  • Florida School Law

A BTS Grant recipient becomes well qualified to speak of their experience with the BTS team of experts and assist the District in planning efforts. A BTS Board Member or their designee will meet with each applicant to ascertain the specific areas of assistance needed. This process helps both the BTS Board and the potential applicant determine project suitability.

Should you have any additional questions regarding the services available through BTS or about the application process, please contact the Board of Directors at:

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